Friday, April 14, 2017

Downs and ups

I know I’ve posted before about how life seems to go through up and down swings. The last couple of months have felt like unusually hard work, with very intense spells at work, illnesses, and (something I didn’t mention) we had one of our cats put down a week ago.

So it was great to have that party last weekend that Megan had spent so long preparing for before her appendix operation.

During the week, Ali and Megan had been visiting a pet shop for supplies for the aquarium and came back with two kittens. Meet Loki and Luna:

Last night I gave a talk at the library on Writer’s Block, something I’ve been preparing for weeks now. I’ve been running through my presentation in my head for ages, so when it was done it felt like a huge weight off my mind.

And to round off the good things in the past week, Megan today spoke with a teacher at Vancouver Island University and learned that she’s been accepted to join the baking program there in September. This is fantastic news because she’s been enjoying the culinary program at school this semester and has finally found something she wants to do. But of course there’s been a lot of pressure through the application process, and she had to recover enough from her recent operation to sit an assessment this week.


stephen Hayes said...

I'm sure those furry new family additions will provide lots of entertainment.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Ian - these sound all good news things and happy times to remember over this Easter weekend. Such good news re Megan and her recovery, her acceptance into the baking programme (sounds rather delicious to me!) ... and well done on succeeding with your talk ... and then Luna and Loki - well they'll keep you amused for a while! Happy Easter and cheers Hilary

Botanist said...

Stephen, the newcomers are cute, playful, and very affectionate.

Hilary, we are all overjoyed at Megan's acceptance. She has a real talent for baking and especially for decorating.

Jean Davis said...

Sorry to hear about your cat. :( Though, those two new furballs are adorable. Glad the talk went well. I do far better conveying information online than in person so good for you doing the actual talking to people thing. :D

Botanist said...

Jean, I have no real problem with the talking to people thing, it's just very tiring.

Crystal Collier said...

Yay for Megan! I'm so sorry about your cat. Unfortunately, none of our family pets lived long enough to get to that point. They always seemed to get hit by cars...which was terrible, but probably not as bad as when you've been able to keep that wonderful critter for its full life. Sending cheese and hugs.

Botanist said...

Crystal, our cat came to us at least thrid-hand so we don't really know how old he was, but I'm sure he had a few years left in him. Unfortunately he got very ill and there was nothing to be done. We've only had two that I would say reached their full life. It's usually some kind of illness that takes them. Your experience is not unusual, I think. Cheese and hugs gratefully accepted :)

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