Gary is another expat, but in the opposite direction. Native of British Columbia, now living in England. Good luck over there, Gary. I recommend you check out his blog, and his surreal sense of humour.
In turn, I need to pass on the award to some of the many fine blogs that I know about. I'm limiting myself to five, and not putting a lot of science into this, so please don't feel put out if I miss you. Also I know this award is well-established in the blogging community, so I apologise if you've already received it. Hey! It gives you a chance to pass on to someone new if you were spoiled for choice first time around.
So, in no particular order, I declare the following Lovely Blogs:
Saloma (About Amish) - with some inspirational views on life and freedom.
David (The Bimillennial Man) - Mr Gadget, with some astute observations on the world at large. David, I know you don't care for tags and awards, but I wanted to acknowledge your blog anyway.
Jean (Discarded Darlings) - and her office full of characters giving her hell as she tries to focus on writing. But watch out for the cyborg attack weasels!
Laura Pauling - with her insightful views on writing.
Jan (Tartitude) - from the land of pith and zest.
And Happy Thanksgiving, Canada!
Congrats on your award!
Yes, congrats Ian! Couldn't happen to a nicer blogger.
And thanks for tagging me, even though you're right about that . . . :)
Thanks T. Anne and David.
And thanks for joining the Bald Patch followers, T Anne. I should have mentioned in my post that I did try to avoid tagging blogs that had obviously already received this one, and yours was one of the blogs that came to my mind. I've got it bookmarked but just noticed that I wasn't following. Don't know why! Omission now rectified.
It was my pleasure to bestow this award on you. We are having adventures in the opposite direction. I think my biggest struggle was having folks here call me 'duck'. I couldn't think of a more 'fowl' expression:-)
All the very best to you, in my other home, British Columbia. I shall be back over, next May, staying in a very fittingly named town, 'Hope'. Hope, British Columbia was, for trivia buffs, where 'Rambo First Blood', was filmed.
I shall check out the bloggers you have passed this award on too.
Have a peaceful and positive Thanksgiving Day.
With respect, Gary
Hi Gary. The first time we toured BC we wanted to turn off highway 1 at Hope to head towards Merritt. The turnoff was so badly signposted that we missed it and had to double-back and have another run at it.
The following year we did another tour, and needed to make the same turn again. We remembered the trouble we'd had previously and were extra-vigilant. And we still missed it!
So we always remember Hope as the place we keep getting lost.
Have a great Thanksgiving too. Are you celebrating it over there (and explaining to the Brits what it's all about)?
I've made the same mistake you mentioned. Somehow, I ended up in Cache Creek.
We wont be celebrating Thanksgiving, but yes, I have explained it to folks over here. Well, they have heard of Thanksgiving, but are surprised that there is one in Canada. Heck, I've even explained the 'Canadian Football
League'. I get some very blank stares lol
We'd heard of Thanksgiving, too, but didn't realise what a big deal it is here. Even so, it took a couple of years to fully understand, because it is largely a family affair. A couple of years, though, we've been invited to different friends' homes and seen for ourselves what a huge event it is.
Yeah, "football" means something totally different there. Ditto "hockey", as I'm sure you've found out by now ;-)
Oh my goodness, thank you, Ian. Very kind of you and most unexpected. Happy Thanksgiving to you, too!
Aww thanks! :D Rippy McWeasel says hello.
I hope you had a good Thanksgiving!
Thank you Jan, you are most welcome, and thanks for dropping by.
Thank you too, Jean. And isn't that Commander McWeasel? I'd hate to lose my toes to a breach of etiquette ;-)
hey! congrats on the award!
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