Saturday, March 29, 2014

Weekend Writing Warriors

Weekend Writing Warriors is a weekly blog hop where participants post up to eight sentences of their writing. You can find out more about it by clicking on the image below.

More from the first chapter of Ghosts of Innocence. Shayla has just ejected herself, enclosed in a flimsy re-entry bubble, from a starship burning up in atmosphere. In the fight to escape, she jabbed one of her attackers with a stylus - through the folds of the bubble's fabric.


Her suit absorbed most of the pressure change, but she felt as if her eyes were going to burst.

How high am I? Black dots clouded her vision as she tried to read the display on her visor.

Burning agony pierced her shoulder. Shayla twisted her body away from the pain and glanced around. A tiny needle of white fire lanced through the air in front of her eyes. The stylus must have pierced the fabric. The material was tough, but if the hole spread she was dead.



not displayed said...

oh suspenseful. I love these little snippets

Anonymous said...

Got any duct tape on you lol? She sounds like the resourceful type...maybe she has some chewing gum.

Marcia said...

Gum, lol! Hey, that could work! Great excerpt. A lot of tension here. You know we're all right on the edge of our seats :)

Teresa Cypher said...

Intense! Wow, Ian. I was worried about re-entry friction heat coming through that tiny hole! Good job writing the tension! :-)

Botanist said...

Mynx, glad the suspense is coming through. If you follow the link in the image there's a whole load more writers posting their snippets for you to enjoy!

Delores, trust a Canadian to think of duct tape, that great cure-all fixer-upper :)

Marcia, it would need to be pretty high grade refractory gum!

Teresa, holes in the heat shield are not good news at all :(

Veronica Scott said...

Tense, very tense. What a predicament to be in! Excellent excerpt, can't wait for whatever happens next.

Anonymous said...

Duct tape to fix everything's Alaskan too. As a matter of fact I first heard it called Rocket Tape--used to hold sounding rockets together at the early days at Poker Flat.

Botanist said...

Veronica, I'll be posting the next bits over coming weeks. Feels mean to just leave her in mid-air :)

Sue Ann, duct tape worship must be a northern phenomenon, then?

HistorySleuth said...

Excellent job tossing an obstacle in the way of her escape. I agree, nice tension going on here.
The Murders of Polly Frisch

Sandra Nachlinger said...

Uh-oh. Those black dots filling her vision have got to be bad news. I hope she has a way to plug that hole.

Unknown said...

Excellent snippet. Got me on the edge of my seat...and yeah, give that girl some duct tape!

Botanist said...

Cindy, obstacles are good. This one will have lingering consequences for a good while too...

Sandra, Millie, I guess you'll just have to wait and see :)

Valerie said...

Great little piece! I'd like to know what happens next..



Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

As she plummets toward the planet? That's not good!

Botanist said...

Valerie, if you drop by over the next couple of weeks you might find out :)

Alex, plummeting while dealing with searing plasma is indeed not a good combination!

Denise Covey said...

Woah Botanist. Something very uncomfortable happening here! And I love your tree house post too!!

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