Saturday, February 22, 2014

Weekend Writing Warriors

Weekend Writing Warriors is a weekly blog hop where participants post up to eight sentences of their writing. You can find out more about it by clicking on the image below.

It's been a while since I played this game. Last year, I gave snippets from Tiamat's Nest, but I think it's time to give Ghosts of Innocence an airing. This is from chapter 1, where Shayla is about to effect a dramatic entry to the Imperial planet, Magentis, aboard an out-of-control passenger ship. With the expected and planned-for panic erupting around her, she finds herself the subject of some unwelcome attention...


Not Scolt again, she groaned to herself, not now.

She glanced around the lounge, then took his hand in hers. Scolt had taken unwelcome interest in her for the whole week-long flight. Another time, in another life, she might have returned the interest, but even out of uniform the emerald tattoo on his forehead and his preening arrogance had marked him out as a member of the Imperial Color Guard. Not a good bedfellow for a woman with treason on her mind.

Shayla had no time to waste. She gazed into his eyes, smiled, and finally did what she'd been longing to do the whole flight.

She broke his fingers.



Anonymous said...

Sounds like a gal after my own heart.

Teresa Cypher said...

Wow! Your writing is amazingly fluid, Ian, even more so than I remember. Wonderful details infused seamlessly. And that last line is a zinger! I want to know more. I want to read this story. Where are you with publication?

AND, I want to visit that fortress on the top of this page! I can't imagine how I'd get there unless, of course, I could fly. In your stories, maybe I (Joe Reader) can. :-)

garrisonjames said...

Fun stuff. I like this Shayla. Now that she's broken this guy's fingers, things ought to get even mroe interesting...

Botanist said...

Delores, who'd have guessed? :D

Teresa, thanks, I am planning to get this puppy out there before the summer, but that depends on a lot of steps that I'm new to so timelines are pure guesswork right now.

Garrison, things do get interesting for Shayla...

Veronica Scott said...

Ok wow, that's quite an ending! Loved it...must read more...great snippet!

Anonymous said...

What a last sentence!

Valerie said...

Great. Ending. :0)



HistorySleuth said...

Ha! Excellent twist! I like her spunk. Darn good writing too!
The Murders of Polly Frisch

Unknown said...

Love that ending! Made me laugh. And, nice to make your acquaintance.

David Batista said...

Haha, that was great! Always enjoy reading Shayla excerpts. Good luck with everything! :)

Botanist said...

LOL! Sounds like folks enjoyed the last line. That's the great thing about short snippets - you can choose exactly where to finish :)

Shell Flower said...

That is a great excerpt. I was already laughing at the second to last line and then she goes and breaks his fingers. Excellent.

Smu Doodle said...

Ouch. I guess she does not like men with tattoos on their foreheads. Smart woman.

Botanist said...

Shell, I'm glad I made you laugh!

Pete, nothing against men with tattoos on their foreheads per se, just ones who get in the way of her toasting a starship :)

F. Stone said...

Wow, loved the snippet; a great set up to keep my interest - what is going to happen next?

Chelle Cordero said...

wow, I was wondering about her hostility and then you zapped us with the word treason and her breaking his fingers. Wow! Great visuals.

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