All packed up for the weekend, after working on the bow section of the pirate ship. At least something vaguely pointy is starting to take shape now. My quality control inspector, Gypsy, looks like she's giving it the "paws up".

Now a very tired Botanist is setting a course for the beer fridge.
All progress is good progress! Your beer is well deserved.
Have the kids been playing on it yet? Mine would be. :)
Coming along nicely, Ian!
It simply amazes me anyone with the talent to put two pieces of wood together and make something constructive from it.
I, on the other hand, barely knows which side of the hammer is the business end.
Jean, the kids (luckily) are pretty good about things like that. And I've impressed on them the need to stay well away, especially while the concrete footings set.
David, a few sore thumbs soon teach you which end of the hammer hurts more :-)
Wow! This thing is going to be huge!!
Hey, Stella, haven't I been saying all along that this is a BIG project? :-D
When I next take pics I'll have to get the kids to stand next to it so you can get a proper idea of scale.
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