Saturday, May 2, 2015

Is it safe to come out yet?

*Peers cautiously out from under rock*

I might give the A to Z challenge a go another year, but it is a big time commitment and I chose to spend it on things other than blogging. Even not taking part, the sheer volume of posts flooding my dashboard in April was overwhelming, so I visited a bit but mostly stayed out of the way.

Work is hectic and intense - not unmanageable, but certainly draining. Life outside of work brings the usual Spring activities getting things straightened out after the Winter months. In between the two, the logistics of after-school activities seem to get more challenging with each passing term.

Fortunately, I've still found time for artwork. The cover art for Tiamat's Nest is progressing well and I think I'm on the home stretch.

How was your April? Did you survive the A to Z?


Anonymous said...

Yes...A to Z is over...thank goodness. It was a long haul this year.
I can't wait to read your final version of Tiamat's Nest.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I won't scare you with how many blog posts flooded my Feedly every day...
Looking forward to seeing the artwork, Ian!

Botanist said...

Delores, I'll be in touch soon with a few questions on TN, and diving into final revisions as soon as the artwork is handed to the designer.

Alex, I can't begin to imagine, given the number of blogs you keep tabs on. I don't know where you find the time for such prolific commenting.

stephen Hayes said...

Yes, post the artwork, even if it's still in progress.

Jean Davis said...

I did survive, but sadly, I wasn't able to get out and visit as many blogs as I would have liked. There just wasn't enough time in the day.

Good to hear you're still managing to find time for art. :)

Botanist said...

Stephen, artwork will be posted in due course.

Jean, the times I've done the Challenge, I found the commenting to be the biggest time commitment of all, more so than the posting.

David Batista said...

I'll never do that blog challenge. All of you have survived. I know for a fact I would not! :)

But I do appreciate the pic of the cute kitty! Made my day. Thanks, Ian. And good luck with TN!!!

dolorah said...

I survived April by NOT participating. At all. Oops, had two posts go up the last couple of days, but didn't get around to visiting much to bring in viewers. Like you, I had lots better things to waste - er lavish - my time on.

I'd like some chilly weather to make reading a cozy past time. Sweaty fingers are horrible on Kindle surface. Puts wierd highlights in awkward places.

Have a good day Ian.

Botanist said...

David, glad you like the kitty. That is Tigger adopting standard feline pose.

Donna, the big problem with A to Z is that the flood of posts swamps the occasional post by other non-participants, so I end up missing them. On my way now... :)

Denise Covey said...

Yep, I've given the A-Z a miss the last couple of years due to the extreme time commitment. I concentrated on my writing, getting 30,000 words penned for my new novel! So I'm happy! There's usually a lull in blogging as participants lick their wounds so perhaps your blogroll will be easier to read!

Botanist said...

Denise, blogroll has calmed down for sure :) Glad to hear April was productive for you. 30k words is a good amount!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Ian - it is a time commitment and the comments really do take time - that communication is so good though - building up the relationships along the way ... I certainly think if I had a job - I'd be on the sidelines.

Looking forward to your covert art and reading your book ... then family life does definitely come first ... take care - and thanks for the odd visits you were able to pay me - cheers Hilary

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