Wednesday, March 12, 2014

There's life in that old tree house yet

It's Spring Break, and it's amazing what the kids will get up to when they've got time on their hands.

I built this tree house back in 2006. It's not seen much use in recent years, but this evening I got home to be told I had to check it out.

It's half hidden in the undergrowth nowadays, compared with when I first built it.

And that ladder is starting to look a bit dodgy. Luckily it still takes my weight!

But inside, they've made a cozy nest complete with TV and DVD player

P.S. No, that fireplace isn't actually on, just the lights for effect. They've not that daft :)


David Batista said...

Wow, that's a really great looking tree house. More like a little cabin! :)

Botanist said...

David, I'm very proud of it. I designed it myself (of course) - didn't want any old off-the-shelf mass-produced product - but that octagonal tower was a bitch to construct!

Teresa Cypher said...

Fantastic tree house! It nearly rivals the pirate ship! It's amazing and bittersweet when we watch our babies' first stirrings of feathering their own space. :-) They did a nice job--by the way.

Shell Flower said...

That is a seriously cool tree house. I would have loved to have a groovy place like that to hang out as a teen. Funny how little kids love a playhouse and later it becomes more of a fledgling first home away from home.

Botanist said...

Teresa, they did do a good job indeed.

Shell, I'm hoping they'll get a bit more use out of it yet.

klahanie said...

Hi human, Ian,

That is one fantastically incredible tree house. Reminds my human of his tree house days and when he would swing. Mind that ladder, my human friend!

Pawsitive wishes,

Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That is amazing! The outside is so deceptive. Almost like a really cool cabin now.

Botanist said...

Penny, I hope your human has happy memories of those days. I'm sure he has a few tails to tell :)

Alex, yes, it is deceptive! The outside is weathered, but I took the trouble to line the walls before putting the sidings up so it stays cozy inside.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Ian .. I was sure I'd commented, but perhaps I decided to come back .. great tree house and I love what the kids have done inside -made it seem like 'home' ... I'd have loved to have had a tree house - but just had some branches to sit in!

Oh yes - I'll be dealing with the length of the coastline .. somewhat tricky for short posts? As a scientist you could help out?! I'll cope - but will enjoy your input .. cheers Hilary

HistorySleuth said...

What an excellent tree house! Wish I would have had one in my yard for my kids when they were young but our yard is too small. We did do a lot outdoors, camping and stuff when they were younger at least. So they had some adventures in the wilds. :)

Botanist said...

Hilary, they've done great, and yes I'd be glad to try and help explain the coastline measurement problem.

Cindy, our old yard was too small for anything like this, too, so it was a tremendous opportunity when we moved and I realized we had ample space for project like this. We now have the tree house, a tire swing, and a pirate ship making a mini adventure playground out there!

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