Saturday, February 15, 2020

Valentine’s Day

We don’t go in for the smooshy celebrations, or consumer spending that seems to accompany any vaguely plausible excuse to sell cards, gifts, flowers, chocolate, pink ribbons artistically tied into the shape of a unicorn ...

Valentine’s Day happened to see all of us at home for one reason or another. Regular day off shift, school pro-D day, and I took a day of vacation to extend the weekend.

All in all, it was a satisfying day for me. Got the car serviced (the original impetus to take the day off and have done with it), helped Megan secure a towel rail in her bathroom (try putting up anything into drywall that has to take any weight - her earlier attempt started out OK but eventually pulled the screws out under the weight of a towel or two), got a lot of editing done on The Long Dark, and cooked a celebratory curry for me and Ali.

Now, back to the regular weekend ...


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Why not? Sounds like a productive day to me.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Ian - sounds like you made use of the day ... and glad you had a curry supper with Ali ... drywalls aren't easy - cheers Hilary

Botanist said...

Alex, it was indeed.

Hilary, drywall is easy to put up. Not so easy to put stuff into.

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